Employee Attributes

Specific Attributes
Why the Employer Would Value it?

Specific to The Job

Technical Skills
The employer of “Rainbow Light” wouldn’t employee someone with out technical skills in IT. A typical qualification that most of the employees here at Rainbow light are “BTEC Level 3 diploma in IT”. This qualification is a perfect all rounder in all aspect in IT. This qualification cover Spreadsheet Modeling, Web Animation and even some software design. This qualification is important as at the Rainbow Light Charity the employees could be working on different things for the company on different days and a member of staff needs to have an idea of how to use the software and work on the documents for the company.    

General Attributes
Why the Employer Would Value it?

Specific to Any Job

Organizational Skill
It is important to be organized when working for rainbow light as it is important that someone that works for the company can organize the timetable for the volunteers and then the deadlines for the download books to CD. They can manage events to promote rainbow light in the public eye. It is always an important skill to have in any job, if a employee has organizational skills the employer does look favorably upon the individual as they can manage there time to get work done in a certain time frame.  

Personal Attributes
Why the Employer Would Value it?

Specific to any Job

Being dependable

It is a great attribute for someone to be reliable. It is a measure of how dependable you are weather or not you can be relied upon.  Lots of employers would love to have an employee who is reliable, someone who always turns up for work on time, does what is expected and does not offend or make things worse for other employees. Somebody who makes others work life easier. Being dependable also means that you can be a big name for a company like rainbow light, as you are the individual people go to for help, your the member of staff  the manager gives tasks to and you are the employee always produces good work consistently time after time after time.

Specific to any Job


On the other hand it is also important to have someone that can work alone and get things done with out being told. Being intuitive is a key attribute. If someone can spot something that needs to be done then without being told to do, finishes the task before being told then this can be an incredibility handy thing to have in your staff. These people make sure that things get done before deadlines they may not work in a group but some great people such as Lee Harvey Oswald preferred to work alone by themselves in tranquility.

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